MJCA Central Contacts & Locations
Ealing Trailfinders
Kensington & Chelsea
London Tigers
Shepherds Bush
South Hampstead
This page gives the contact details all the cricket clubs providing opportunities to play competitive cricket in the London Boroughs of Brent, Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham, and Hounslow. Also, on this page are the contact details for all the team managers for the clubs which you can use to confirm fixture arrangements such as start time, ground location etc. We hope you find it useful. Please contact clifford.pile@ntlworld.com for any updates.
*Club not holding Clubmark
Junior Secretary
Tony Hunt
mob: 07771 994 425
Team U8/U9
Tony Hunt – 07771 994 425
Team U10
Adam Forsdike – 07770 250 993
Team U11
Mark Williams – 07792 986 683
Team U12
Mark Williams – 07792 986 683
Team U13
Mark Williams – 07792 986 683
Team U15
John Reeve – 07414 089 789
Junior Manager
Clifford Pile
07999 929 834
Under 9
Kamal Bal kamalbal78@gmail.com
Under 10
David Whear 07785 775 102 djwhear@gmail.com
Under 11
Paul McCarthy 07762 749 748 paul@mcp.london
Under 13
Clifford Pile 07999 929 834 clifford.pile@ntlworld.com
Under 15
Anand Gandesha gandesha@dircon.co.uk
Under 17
Roheet Gupta 07859 897 432 roheet@hotmail.co.uk
Junior Administrator
Ciaran Brett
07706 610 021
Under 11
Ciaran Brett 07706 610 021
Abhishek Kapoor 07466 253 880
Under 13
Ciaran Brett 07706 610 021
Under 15
Ciaran Brett 07706 610 021
Samiul Hoque 07968 848 593
Raj Nath
Junior Chair
07557 883 270
Riverside Drive, Chiswick, London, W4 2SP
Under 9
Under 10
Frances Kennedy 07930 324 583 fha.kennedy@gmail.com
Under 11
Leonora Yorath 07963 817 271 leonorayorath@gmail.com
Under 13
Ben Anandarajah 07595 435 963 ben.anandarajah@gmail.com
Under 15
Vomic Nur Shah 07764 823 177 Vomic.nurshah@btinternet.com
Under 17
Tom Dyson 07860 166 660 tomdyson@gmail.com
Junior Cricket Co-ordinator
Laura Fairbairn
07944 412 836
Corfton Road, Ealing, London, W5 2HS Directions
Popesfield, Gunnersbury Avenue, Ealing, W5 4LP Directions
Brentfield (Hanwell CC), Greenford Road, Greenford, Middlesex UB1 3EE Directions
Blondin Park, Windmill Road (Blondin Avenue) W5 4UL Directions
Ealing Central Sports Ground, Horsenden Lane South, Perivale UB6 8GP Directions
Under 9A Boys & Under 10 Phoenix
Chris Waight 07834 723 533 chriswaight78@gmail.com
Under 9B Boys
Mitul Patel 07973 287 311 mitul.patel@ealingcc.co.uk
Under 9C Boys
Tom Shepherd 07590 847 442 tompshepherd@gmail.com
Under 10A Boys & Under 11C Boys
Darren Lewis 07961 400 327 darrenjlewis@gmail.com
Under 10B Boys
Vridhay Mathias 07786 932 789 vridhay_mathias@hotmail.com
Under 11A Boys
Vasanthan Paramsivan 07717 782 263 vasanthan84@outlook.com
Under 11B Boys
Smruit Behera 07500 945 322 smruti.behera@gmail.com
Under 11 Spirit
Feroz Uddin 07970 745 885 ferozuddin@gmail.com
Under 12A Boys & Under 13C Boys
Asif Ebrahim 07981 662 773 aasif_ebrahim@yahoo.com
Under 12B Boys & Under 13D Boys
Colin Young 07740 460 277 colin.j.young@hotmail.co.uk
Under 13A Boys
Zahir Chaudhary 07921 004 705 zahirmod@aol.com
Under 13B
Richard Gill 07771 663 355 r.gill@rgpam.com
Under 13D
Umair Qureshi 07906 738 918 ruby_ssg@yahoo.co.uk
Under 13 Spirit
Pinal Gandhi 07590 048 650 psgandhi@hotmail.com
Under 14A & Under 15B Boys
Rob Hickman 07720 548 849 r.hickman@ucl.ac.uk
Under 14B Boys & Under 15C Boys
Salim Talavdekar 07766 142 672 salin1@btinternet.com
Under 15A Boys
Penny Lewis 07788 728 944 penny.lewis@pearson.com
Under 17 Boys
Haseeb Bajwa 07500 116 236 haseebb@ealingcc.co.uk
Pete Lovell 07771 974 491 shuv7@sky.com
Juan Henri
Director of Junior Cricket
07549 862 406
Under 9 Manager
Samira Ali
07788 506 506
Under 10 Manager
Jonathan Wilson
07949 241 115
Under 11A Manager
Akshaya Joshi
07710 592 026
Under 11B Manager
Shahabuddin Nol
07429 008 281
Under 12 Manager
Tom Girdham
07770 842 026
Upendra Mendis
07883 164 774
Under 13B Manager
Vivaan Joshi
07710 592 026
Under 14 Manager
Sanjay Tadvi
07853 207 160
Under 15 Manager
Vikram Patel
07931 327 280
Under 17 Manager
Orphia Hooper
07538 397 593
Junior Manager
Surender Singh
07850 793 930
King’s House Sports Ground, Riverside Drive, Chiswick W4 2SH Directions
Head of Juniors
MD Tanvir Ahamed
07794 195 622
London Tigers Cricket Club, Spikes Bridge Park, West Avenue, Southall, UB1 2AR.
Tel: 20 8574 5368
Team U11
Talib Malik 07749 947 002 tanvir@londontigers.org
Team U12
Sawod Hossain 07749 947 002 tanvir@londontigers.org
Team U13
Adil Malik 07749 947 002 tanvir@londontigers.org
Team U14
Soheb Jala 07749 947 002 tanvir@londontigers.org
Team U15
Md Tanvir Ahamed 07749 947 002 tanvir@londontigers.org
Team U17
Md Tanvir Ahamed 07749 947 002 tanvir@londontigers.org
Nadeem Chowdhry
07720 204 700
Osterley Cricket Club, Tentelow Lane, Southall, Middlesex, UB2 4LW Directions
Under 10
Under 11
Preet Singh 07909 937 541 mrpreet1@yahoo.com
Under 12
Preet Singh 07909 937 541 mrpreet1@yahoo.com
Under 13
Preet Singh 07909 937 541 mrpreet1@yahoo.com
Under 14
Shahid Mohammad 07392 403 438 shahid.mo70@outlook.com
Under 17
Noori Mohammad 07377 986 549
Juniors Manager
Syed Jafri
07887 832 678
Junior Administrator
Nandini Rajasinghe
07816 903 295
Drayton Manor Playing Fields, Greenford Avenue, Hanwell, W7 3DD
Directions(entrance in Greenford Avenue)
Under 13 and Under 15
Nandina Rajasinghe
07816 903 295
Junior Co-ordinator
Tim Howard
07734 709 458
38 Bromyard Avenue, London, W3 7BP
Team U9
Marcus Howard 07886 696 184 marcus.howard17@gogglemail.com
Team U10
Tim Howard 07734 709 458 tjh149@outlook.com
Team U11
Martin Kincaid 07770 561 481 martinjkincaid@yahoo.com
Team U12
Tim Howard 07734 709 458 tjh149@outlook.com
Team U13
Tim Howard 07734 709 458 tjh149@outlook.com
Team U15
Tim Howard 07734 709 458 tjh149@outlook.com
Junior Manager
Daniel Seaman
07733 362 303
Milverton Road, Brondesbury Park, London, NW6 7AR
Queens Park Community School, Aylestone Avenue, London NW6 7BQ
Under 9A, Under 9B
Carrie Lawrence 07791 507 498 carrielawrence@beyond-health.co.uk
Jo Green 07787 504 357 crispinandjo@gmail.com
Under 10A, Under 10B
Karla Dudek 07894 003 194 karladudek@hotmail.com
Lucas Janssen 07799 145 299 blucas79@gmail.com
Under 11
Karla Dudek 07894 003 194 karladudek@hotmail.com
Lucas Janssen 07799 145 299 blucas79@gmail.com
Under 12
Mark Fletcher 07980 258 484 mark@8books.co.uk
Under 13
Lucas Janssen 07799 145 299 blucas79@gmail.com
Under 15
Inky Choudry 07934 089 649 inkychoudry@hotmail.com
Under 17
Sapna Chadha 07956 578 760 chadhasapna@hotmail.com
Mohammad Khan 07956 412 354 riazpservices@hotmail.co.uk
Junior Manager
Sudip Guha
07961 911 128
Vale Farm Sports Ground, off Sudbury Avenue, Wembley, HA0 3QS
Under 11
Raz Azghar 07932 799 974 riza786@hotmail.com
Under 13
Raz Azghar 07932 799 974 riza786@hotmail.com
Under 15
Sudip Guha 07961 911 128 guhas@kpsnacks.com