MJCA South Contacts & Locations
Welcome to the MJCA South contact listings. If there are any updates or changes please contact Ritesh Tendulkar at southarea@mjcacricket.org
* Club not holding Clubmark
Junior coordinator
Sravan Thatta (07769684698) juniors@ashfordcc.co.uk
Ground: Short Lane, Stanwell, Staines, Middlesex, TW19 7BQ
U9s James Berressem jim.berressem@gmail.com 07890811254
U11s Asim Mohammed mohdasims@yahoo.com 07971 070913
U12s Sid Parekh siddhu2384@outlook.com 07737 051730
U13s Tarun Kapoor tarunkapoor2701@gmail.com 07776123456
U14s Shamsher Khan Shamsher.khan@me.com 07825702107
U15s Shamsher Khan Shamsher.khan@me.com 07825702107
U17s Sravan Thatta sravanakumar.t@gmail.com 07769684698
Duncan Simpson
07931 316746

U10 Laurie Cadle ljcricketcoach@gmail.com
Tel 07961059687
U11 Jon Gratton jon.gratton@yahoo.com
Tel 07762 020424
U12 Raghu Nandakumara raghu.nandakumara@gmail.com
Tel 07779 165522
U13 Scott Campbell scottcampbell41@gmail.com
Tel 07817986031
U15 Marcus Hake mfhake69@googlemail.com
Tel 07710 454345
Club Secretary (Co-Chair)
Mark Avery
07818075763 (07849 680538)
Ground: Bushy Park Sports Club, Pavilion Rd (off Queen’s Rd) Teddington TW11 0EL
Directions – Find Us From Queens Road turn in through the entrance opposite Park Lane. Carry straight on over the first mini roundabout then turn left at the second one. Drive on and you’ll be able to see the club straight ahead of you. There is car and bike parking on site.
u10 MJCA Boys – Mike Sheriden: michael.sheriden@sky.com: 07950 290481
u12 MJCA Boys – Matt Dumbrell: matthewdumbrell@gmail.com: 07980 175042
Ground: Pavilion Road, off Queen’s Road, Teddington, Middx, TW11 0EL
Directions – http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?x=515826&y=170454&z=0&sv=TW11+0EL&st=2&pc=TW11+0EL&mapp=map.srf&searchp=ids.srf
Juniors Secretary
Dave Mackinney
0771200 6560
Primary ground: The Pavilion, Bushy Park, Cricket Lane, Hampton Hill, TW12 1PA
Secondary ground: Carlisle Park, Wensleydale Road, Hampton, TW12 2LY
Directions – http://www.hamptonhillcricket.co.uk/find-us/
U9A James Dingwall 07968238951 jdingwall70@gmail.com
U9B Rick Stevenson 07940 447729 rickandclara@gmail.com
U10 Tim Stephens 07976244801 timstephens98@yahoo.com
U10 Dev Mike Day 077930819574 mikeday1uk@yahoo.co.uk
U11 James Everett 07981 196349 james.everett@pelorussearch.com
U11 Dev Sam Ralli 07762 721833 samralli@hotmail.com
U12A Simon Ogden 07714 825914 Simonogden007@hotmail.com
U12B Simon Ogden 07714 825914 Simonogden007@hotmail.com
U13A Mike Wells 07718 330576 michaelstewartwells@yahoo.co.uk – (Secondary Contact – Paul Quinn 07912 614808 paulanthonyquinn@hotmail.com)
U13B Rob Heslop 07941 126452 robheslop@blueyonder.co.uk
U14A Ben Donald 07736 181002 ben@cosmopolitanpictures.co.uk
U14B Ben Donald 07736 181002 ben@cosmopolitanpictures.co.uk
U15 Ian Exworth 07909 931738 ian.exworth@btinternet.com
League Co-ordinator
Sandeep Khaira
Ground: Hampton Wick Royal CC, Bushy Park, Hampton Wick, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, KT1 4AZ
Directions – https://hwrcc.co.uk/find-us/
U9s Josh Low joshualow@hotmail.com 07812 565015
Hounslow & Whitton CC
Derek Hill
Phone : 020 7602 1216
Ground: Whitton Park Sports Association Ground, 190 Wills Crescent, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW3 2JD
Under 10s Development Derek Hill delboyo1947@gmail.com 020 7602 1216
Under 12 Harpreet Bhatia harps@trimexuk.com 07985 277873
Under 14s/15s Clyde Scott clyde.scott@virgin.net 07931 327507
Junior Cricket Secretary
Parag Kachare
Osterly Ground: Thornbury Avenue, Osterley, Middlesex, TW7 4NQ
Directions – https://indiangymkhanacc.co.uk/location/default.aspx
U9 A Salman Merchant 7404405326 salmanmerchant546@gmail.com
U9 B Rehan Rana 7886575484 rrk_rsm@yahoo.co.uk
U10 Parag Kachare 7771746610 parag_kachare@yahoo.com
U11 Anil Dand 7866017196 anildhand@hotmail.com
U12 Kabir Parmar 7985234704 kabirparmar@ymail.com
U13 Chetan Jain 7582123234 chetanjain66@gmail.com
U14 Milan Warik 7894160447 Milanwarik@gmail.com
U15 Rishi Sood 7824722409 rishisood@hotmail.co.uk
U17 Parag Kachare 7771746610 parag_kachare@yahoo.com
Peter Berg
07985 058300

Directions – http://kewcc.com/index.php/about-kewcc/directions
U17 Peter Berg – peterbergkew@me.com (07985058300)
U15 Roy Martins – roy.martins@me.com (07767313447); Suren Sornalingham – sornals@yahoo.co.uk (07789877592)
U14 James Wright – james.wright2012@yahoo.co.uk (07786231369)
U13 Ram Trichur – trichur@me.com (07379148535) ; Richard Halton – richard_halton@yahoo.co.uk (07768990890)
U12 Vinod Subramanian – vinod.subramanian@hotmail.com (07500882331)
U10 Mitch Matharu – 07595283950
Moormead CC
Chairman: Tom Bird Tom.bird@oracle.com
Club Secretary: James Bishop jopbishop@hotmail.com 07488 328319
email – info@moormeadcc.co.uk
Ground: Moormead and Bandy Recreation Ground, 5 Moor Mead Rd, St Margarets, Twickenham TW1 1JS
Directions – https://www.moormeadcc.co.uk/info
U9 – Tom Holohan (tomholohan28@hotmail.com 07866 622315)
U10 – Chris Bicheno (chris.bicheno@gmail.com 07775 866611)
U10 Girls-Dave Williams (dave4w@hotmail.com 07812 446541)
U11-Neil Sainsbury (neil.sainsbury@sky.com 07900 492502)
U12A-Ellie Greenwood (greenandgreenwood@hotmail.co.uk 07713 624073)
U12B-Simon Garnett (garnetto10@gmail.com 07462 207932)
U13-Helen Ingham (hcingham@gmail.com 07881 273225)
U14-Michael Elliot (elliomic@gmail.com 07958 980163)
Ground: The Memorial Ground, Wood Lane, Isleworth, Middlesex, TW7 5ED
Directions –
Robin Asgher
Head of Junior Cricket – Greg Tijerina, 07751 061 117, gtijerina@me.com
MCJA Representative – Glyn Rees, 07805 819 723, grees76@gmail.com

Directions – http://www.richmondcricketclub.com/a/about-us-43301.html
Secondary Ground: : Newman Cricket Ground, Christ’s School, Queens Road
(entrance is via Pesthouse Common Gate, a few metres away from the main school entrance heading towards the Sheen Road end of Queens Road).
U17s – Ian Tabor – 07710 198 435 – ian@taborsportscoaching.com
U15s – Keith Human – 07887 640 869 – Keith.human@gmail.com
U14s – Gavin Dunne – 07432 101 516 – gavinpdunne@gmail.com
U13As – Keith Human and Tim Bowles – 07887 640 869 & 07799 628 133 – Keith.human@gmail.com & timrbowles@hotmail.com
U13Bs – David Schofield – 07814 377 514 – David.schofield@gmail.com
U12s – Rick Gibson – 07748 964 444 – trickyw4@gmail.com
U11s – Rohit Kumar – 07906 377 951 – rohit.kumar50@gmail.com
U10s – James Cope – 07775 645 911 – jamescope@hotmail.com
U9s – Mark Beaumont – markbcricket@gmail.com
Head of Junior Cricket – Greg Tijerina, 07751 061 117, gtijerina@me.com
MCJA Representative – Glyn Rees, 07805 819 723, grees76@gmail.com
Roehampton and Fulham
Rohan Kapadia
Home Ground: Putney Heath Cricket Ground, Telegraph Road, London SW15 3TU.
Outgrounds used:
Roehampton Playing Fields – Dover House Road, London, SW15 5BP.
Barn Elms Sports Trust – Marathon Pavilion, Queen Elizabeth Walk, London, SW13 9SA.
Barn Elms Sports Centre – Queen Elizabeth Walk, London, SW13 0DG.
Richardson Evans Memorial Playing Fields – 2 Friars Avenue, London, SW15 3DU.
St. Paul’s School – Lonsdale Road, London, SW13 9JT.
Rohan Kapadia
Club Secretary
Ian Bradbury
Tony Bradshaw is the first point of contact for all Juniors related matters.
07811 723975

Directions – http://www.sheenparkcolts.com/contact-us.php
Team U11 Tony Bradshaw 07811 723975 tonybraldo@gmail.com
Team U12 Tony Bradshaw 07811 723975 tonybraldo@gmail.com
Team U13 Tony Bradshaw 07811 723975 tonybraldo@gmail.com
Team U14 Kieron Pearce 07765 276582 kieronpearce1@sky.com
Team U15A Kieron Pearce 07765 276582 kieronpearce1@sky.com
Ian Kerridge
Sunbury Cricket Club Junior Manager
07941 896071

Directions – http://www.sunburycricket.co.uk/club/find-us/
Girls U9 – Colin Bentall – 07764 192815 – cbentall@sky.com
U9 – Dave Smith – 07590 209763 – dave54.smith@yahoo.com
U10 – John Dixon – 07917 852657 – jdixon6@btinternet.com
U11 – Stuart Fry – 07879 430080 – stewart.fry@gmail.com
U12 – Giles Pearson – 07711 114992 – giles.pearson@hotmail.com
U13 – Rajiv Janga – 07903 503669 – rjangra089@gmail.com
U14 –Gareth O’Connor – 07943 809681 – gareth7474@gmail.com
Girls U15 –Martin Cattley – 07980 916367 – martincattley@yahoo.co.uk
U15 – Ian Kerridge. – 07941 896071 – ian.kerridge@ntlworld.com
U17– John Maunders – 07545 149049 – maunderscricket@gmail.com
Ian Clothier
Junior Fixtures Secretary
07790 909321
U8: School Year 3
Harry Lloyd
U9: School Year 4
Chris Dickinson
U10: School Year 5
Tom Bason
U11: School Year 6
Bella Hird
07971 960419
U12: School Year 7
Paul Dancy
07859 914376
U13: School Year 8
Duncan Maheswaran
U14: School Year 9
Melissa Geiger
07951 252911
Tim Bowden
07884 008139
U15: School Year 10
Neil Kirk
07949 013751
U16/17: Frank Davis ⭐
07920 477043
Junior Co-ordinator
Ralph Meyer

U9 Paul Reuby 07704687999,
U14 Mike Tamblingson miketamblingson@hotmail.com 07979555020
U17 Akram Hilmy hilmyfamily@gmail.com 07785307382
Junior Co-ordinator
Liam Tebb
07950 976 100
Ground: The Green, Twickenham, Greater London, TW2 5TU Directions – http://www.twickenhamcc.net/contact
Pitch Details: U17 matches will be played on grass. The majority of all other age groups will be played on artificial pitch – unless advised otherwise by a Team Manager
U9 Dan Hough d.t.hough@sussex.ac.uk 07884 314 566
U10 John Mumby j_mumby@hotmail.com
Jason Jaap Jasonjaap@hotmail.com
U11 Gordon Marsh stumpz888@hotmail.com 07717 292 440
Ashish Singh ashishsg@gmail.com 078 2470 5907
U12 A David Williams dfrwilliams@gmail.com 07713 032090
Richmond Walker richmondwalker@gmail.com 07751 858811
U12 Dev Toni Ashby tonilashby@gmail.com 07725 828838
U14 Jon Turner jonturner@jacks-river.com 07771 814762
U15 Pete Burke peter.burke_01@btinternet.com 07808 470541
U17 Liam Tebb lktebb@hotmail.com 07950 976100
Juniors Manager
Atif Abbasi
07971 481718

U9 Mr. Tarosh Mehta Tel: 07736442198 taroshm@yahoo.com
U10 Mr. Sulaman Mughal. Tel: 07961858581 sulaman.mughal@gmail.com
U11A Mr. Atif Abbasi Tel: 07971481718 atifabbasi@hotmail.com
U11B Mr. Atif Abbasi Tel: 07971481718 atifabbasi@hotmail.com
U12A Mr. Noor Bhimani Tel: 07963984917 bhimani_noor@yahoo.co.uk
U12B Mr. Zahid Ahmed Tel: 07496522759 zahid.ahmed.ch@gmail.com
U13 Mr. Atif Abbasi Tel: 07971481718 atifabbasi@hotmail.com
U14 Mr. Atif Abbasi Tel: 07971481718 atifabbasi@hotmail.com
U15 Mr. Athar Khan Tel: 07912027172 atharkhan57@yahoo.co.uk
U17 Mr. Kashif Minhas Tel: 07961149369 kashminhas@hotmail.com