U11 Outdoor Competition Rules
General Rules
- Teams shall comprise 11 players, each of whom shall only be a bona fide member of the club he represents.
- Should inclement weather prevent a league match starting or completing, 4 points shall be awarded to each team.
- Umpires and/or match managers shall give advice or instruction may be given to any player who is on the field of play in Under 11 matches.
- League points for U11 shall be awarded as follows:
- 10 for a win
- 5 for a tie
- 4 for abandoned/cancelled matches
- 2 for a losing team
- Should a club fail to honour a fixture for any reason at all:
- League match: 10 points shall be awarded to their opponents with 0 points for a team who concedes the match. Any team failing to honour one half of its scheduled league fixtures shall have its record erased from the league.
- Knock-out match: The tie shall be awarded to the team who did not concede.
The current Laws of Cricket shall apply except:
- A 17 yard pitch shall be used for Under 11 matches.
- In Under 11 matches no fielder except the wicket keeper and those behind the wicket on the off side shall field nearer than 11 yards measured from the middle stump of the striker’s wicket.
- One 43⁄4 oz ball in reasonable condition shall be used for Under 11 matches. A pink ball can be used however both team officials must be in agreement otherwise a red ball should be used.
- Matches shall be 20 overs per innings (subject to Common Rules 5) unless both teams agree to an afternoon match. The number of overs per innings for a match of more than 20 overs shall be agreed when the match is arranged.
- No player may bowl more than one fifth of the overs in any innings. Players may only retire if ill, or injured, during the match.
- In Under 11 league and cup matches No balls and wides shall count as 2 penalty runs with no extra balls in the over, except that in the final over of an innings the 2 penalty runs shall count for any no balls and wides bowled but extra balls will be bowled to complete the over. At any time during an innings any extra runs scored shall be added to the 2 penalty runs.
- A ball bouncing more than twice or rolling along the ground before it reaches the popping crease should be called a no ball, i.e. the ball can bounce more than once before reaching the popping crease (amendment to Law 21.7).
- Bowlers bowling dangerous short pitched deliveries or non-deliberate dangerous beamers should be warned twice and only removed from the attack after the third such delivery, i.e. they receive an additional warning (amendment to Laws 41.6 and 41.7).If a bowler bowls a deliberate beamer, they should be removed from the attack immediately without a warning.Please note that warnings for bowling beamers only apply in hardball cricket.In all cases, beamers should be called no ball. A beamer is defined as a ball that passes the batter (or would have passed the batter), without bouncing, at waist height or above standing upright at the popping crease.The Laws related to bat sizes (Law 5), deliberately distracting, deceiving or obstructing batsmen (Law 41.5) and the yellow and red card provisions related to player conduct (Law 42) shall not apply in this competition.
The current Laws of Cricket will apply with the following exceptions: For the County League Semi-finals and Finals, one new ball per match will be supplied by MJCA. Each match shall be 20 overs per innings. Under 11 Cup Final Only: Each innings shall consist of a maximum, of 35 overs. Where the final is 20 overs per innings or less, MJCA will supply one new ball for the match. Where the final is 25 overs per innings or more, MJCA will supply one new ball for each innings. No balls and wides balls count as 2 penalty runs with no extra balls in the over, except in the final over of the innings when extra balls will be bowled. Any runs completed are additional to the 2 penalty runs. In all matches: No bowler may bowl more than one fifth of the overs. All current ECB directives must be applied. In the event of inclement weather delaying the start or interrupting play, overs may be reduced at one over per 7 minutes (or part of) of time lost, so that each team has the opportunity of batting for the same number of overs. If a stoppage occurs during the second innings, on re-starting, the new target will be the first innings total for the same number of overs that the team batting second will receive in total. Where bowlers will have exceeded their one fifth allowance due to a reduction in overs, they are deemed to have bowled the new maximum allowed for the reduced overs UMPIRES. Clubs shall supply umpires for matches up to the County Quarter Finals. For the County Semi-Finals and Final MJCA will appoint independent umpires if due notice is given of the fixture. The Under 11 County final will take place at Wembley Cricket Club on the 8th of August. The Under 11 County League semi finals and final will take place at Sunbury Cricket Club on the 15th of August.