Please find the link to the summary of law changes:
All games from U14s and above will play to the Laws of Cricket, including Law 41.6 Bowling of dangerous and unfair short pitched deliveries and Law 41.7 Bowling of dangerous and unfair non-pitching deliveries. The following Laws will not be applicable Law 5 The Bat, Law 41.5 Deliberate distraction, deception or obstruction of batsman and Law 42 Players’ Conduct.
For U13s cricket and below, the Laws of Cricket will apply apart from the following amendments:
Law 21.7 Ball bounces more than twice or rolls along the ground before it reached the popping crease will be called a no ball.
Law 41.6 Bowling of dangerous and unfair short pitched deliveries – warnings will be given after the 1st and 2nd such deliveries and, following a 3rd short pitched delivery which is dangerous or unfair, the bowler shall be withdrawn immediately by the umpire for the remainder of the match.
Law 41.7 Bowling of dangerous and unfair non-pitching deliveries – warnings will be given after the 1st and 2nd non pitched deliveries above waist height and, following a 3rd non pitched delivery above waist height, the bowler shall be withdrawn immediately by the umpire for the remainder of the match.
In the event of any non-pitched delivery above waist height being deemed a deliberate act, the bowler shall be withdrawn from bowling with immediate effect by the umpire for the remainder of the match.
The following Laws will not be applicable Law 5 The Bat, Law 41.5 Deliberate distraction, deception or obstruction of batsman and Law 42 Players’ Conduct.