The ECB has announced practical guidance to players and clubs today, providing support off the back of advice from government and medical experts, on the steps they should take to remain safe whilst undertaking exercise in an outdoor cricket club environment. Two documents have been produced, as follows:
• ‘Return to activity in a cricket club setting’
• ‘Using outdoor facilities during lockdown’ infographic
Please click on the links above to digest this new guidance in full. The ECB has also said that no club should reopen their outdoor facilities if they feel unable to meet the requirements contained within these documents.
If any club or individual has any concerns regarding the new guidelines and information, please don’t hesitate to contact your local Middlesex Cricket area manager, and their contact details are re-printed below for your convenience:
• Ian Moore, 07745 308669, (‘North’ and ‘South’)
• Pete Jones, 07984 908481, (‘East’)
• Raj Nath, 07557 883270, (‘Central’)
• Sharon Eyers, 07557 956354, (‘West’).